China Moon Mission What will happen from the soil that China brought from the darkest part of the moon

China Moon Mission What will happen from the soil that China brought from the darkest part of the moon

China launched Moon Mission Chang,E-6 Ke ri,The entry module has created history, In fact, through this mission, China is taking pictures of the far side of the moon where there is the darkest part., He has brought two kilos of soil from there, This mission of China 25 June Morning 11.30 o’clock was accomplished when his mission was,E-6 Ke ri,The entry module landed in northern China, Let us know what is so special about this soil and what benefit will it bring to China,

Why did China spend billions of rupees to bring soil from the moon?,

The soil that China has brought from the moon is not common, This soil 4 It is said to be a billion years old, China has developed drills and robotic arms to collect samples from the moon used things like, The sample was then put into a capsule and re,Sent to earth via entry vehicle, Let us tell you about China’s Moon Mission Chang,E-6 3 Landed on the South Pole of the Moon in May,

Actually, the part of the moon from which China has brought the soil is the far side of the moon, that is, the darkest part., which is never visible from the earth, Wherever we look at the moon, it looks the same, In such a case, the far side is the area where it is very dark and which is not visible.,

What is special about the Far Side?,

No one has any specific information about the place from where China has brought the soil from on the far side of the moon, Scientists have been speculating that water exists in the form of ice in this part of the moon, which could be the biggest source of life there, It is worth noting that China has been wanting to build its base on the moon for a long time., In this sequence he has taken sample from the far side,

What information will China get from the soil,

China will take soil from this far side of the moon to find out whether there is really water present there in the form of ice, Also, how would the moon have been formed and what is its soil like?, what is in it,What special items are available, According to a report by Reuters, China wants to use this soil to complete its moon base project, which is expected to begin at the end of this decade,

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